dimanche 18 septembre 2016


Refine your silhouette, through the practice of fitness and cardio training, tone your body and refine your midsection and thighs and glutes.

- Drive Ratio: Group lessons 50% / 50% Cardio
- Number of Sessions Maxi / week for more results: 4
- Average Length of Training: 1 hour


Women wishing to refine their body size and firm thighs, abs and buttocks will perform a mix of cardio and group lessons activities to combine strengthening and endurance in order to refine their silhouette.
To achieve this dual objective: the program is based on alternating cardio training and group classes targeting these areas.

Trainings CARDIO:

The sessions consist of cardio workouts classics at moderate intensity (about 120 beats per minute) and sessions of cardio intervals whose effectiveness in raising metabolism is demonstrated. It may comes to running, cycling, rowing, jumping rope, outdoors or indoors.

Grop lessonsu:

Sessions last between 45 minutes and 1:00, they consist of different exercises targeting small waist, buttocks, thighs, arms and made music without rest.
These are very good ways to refine, to get a flat stomach, reduce the saddlebags, strengthen the glutes, thighs and arms, ...
For more results, it is best to 4 sessions per week.

Jour 1
 Cours de Fitness de renforcement musculaire :
Body combat, body Pump, body balance, abdos-fessiers …

Jour 2
Cardio au choix :
De type vélo, appareil elliptique, rameur, tapis de course, etc; 40 à 50 min à 120 pulsations cardiaques par min environ
Jour 3 : Repos
Jour 4
Cours de Fitness de renforcement cardio vasculaire :
RPM, LIA, Zumba, biking, step   …
Jour 5
Cardio au choix :
De type vélo, appareil elliptique, rameur, corde à sauter, tapis de course, 15 min à 120 pulsations cardiaques par min environ
15 min à 160 pulsations cardiaques par min environ
15 min à 130 pulsations cardiaques par min environ

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