samedi 22 octobre 2016

How To Get The Lower Abs V-Cut No Woman Can Resist

  • 6:34:00 PM

  • A v-cut in the lower abs is the ultimate sign of true dedication to your physique for both men and women alike. It shows you stay true to both your workout plan and your nutritional lifestyle. It is true abs are made in the kitchen, but to create that sexy v-cut you’re looking for, a variety of lower abdominal exercises are needed in order to be successful.

    1. The Workout Program

    To get the v-cut you’re looking for, a mixture of both core-strengthening exercises and leg workouts are needed. A couple of exercises you may want to consider include:
    1. Reverse Crunches (4 sets of 10-12 reps)
    Lay flat on your back and lay your hands at your sides with your palms facing down. Raise your legs up while bending your knees to form an upside-down “L” shape with your lower body. From there, lift your torso up towards the ceiling, keeping that “L” shape intact. Push up with your legs, making your lower body entirely straight, then come back down to the “L” shape, and finally back to your starting position.
    2. Flutter Kicks (4 sets of 10-12 reps)
    Lay down with your chest facing up. Arch your back up as if you were doing a normal crunch and stay in that position. Now, lift your legs straight up and kick them up higher, alternating each leg. One left & right flutter kick = one rep.
    3. Abs Hold: V-Shape Style (30+ seconds)
    Lay down on your back. Pick up both your back and legs so that you are balancing on your butt, forming a v-shape with your body. Hold this position for as long as you normally would a plank, with your arms extended straight out.
    4. Hanging Leg Raises (4 sets of 10-12 reps)
    Hang from a bar and slowly lift your legs straight up to form an “L” shape with your body. If this is too easy for you, try increasing the difficulty by holding some weights between your feet.
    5. Oblique Crunches (4 sets of 25 reps)
    Lie down on your back and hold your hands against your temples. Raise your legs to form an upside-down “L” shape with your body (you can use a bench to support your legs in this exercise if you’d like.) Then, raise your right elbow until it touches your left kneecap, then do the other side. One left & right crunch = one rep.

    Try to do this program three to five days a week, as your abdominal muscles are one of the only muscles you can work out on back-to-back days. Additionally, and as much as we may hate it, you may also want to consider a high-intensity cardio program to perform at least five times a week as well. This can include sprinting, swimming, cycling, or even your choice of sport, but we encourage that the cardio program has some sort of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) tied into it.

    2. Maintaining a Healthy Diet

    We all know the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen,” but if you’re trying to get the lower abdominal v-cut, you shouldn’t take that saying lightly. To get the v-cut, you want to maintain a diet that will significantly reduce body fat. There are plenty of diets you can follow, but some key factors you want to be sure of include:
    • Consuming lean, low-fat proteins
    • Foods high in fiber and other micronutrients, such as fruits and vegetables.
    • Reducing the intake of carbohydrates, but making sure to not fully eliminate them
    • Avoiding processed foods and sugars
    • Consume lots of water to flush toxins from your body; at least half of a gallon each day
    You also want to make sure you are NOT starving yourself. Starving yourself will only deprive yourself of the energy you need to keep your metabolism running and to perform these exercises, and can also make you feel tired, depressed and moody.

    3. Stay active & Be Patient

    You want to make sure you are always on the go to keep your metabolism running. If you work at an office job or have to drive for long periods of time, try to get up every once and a while to stretch and/or go for a walk.
    Additionally, v-cut or not, abs aren’t created overnight. Depending on your current physical state, building a v-cut can take anywhere between eight to 10 weeks or as long as a whole year depending on a host of variables. The key is to be patient and consistent with your diet and workout program.

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