dimanche 6 novembre 2016

Collin Joseph - The Best Canadian Model

Collin Joseph Men's Physique Competitor , Published Fitness Model , Actor & Certified Personal Trainer .

Collin Tells how he grew up : "As a teenager entering High school I had always been an athletic child, so when I had learned that my high school had a football team I immediately joined. being only 140lbs and naturally a “hard gainer” I  didn’t have many options for positions. So thus began my “fitness journey” I entered the weight room and got out of my comfort zone and started to lift weights to put on more muscle. My father was an accomplished boxer and military soldier so he had taught me many nutrition and fitness techniques and within 2 years I had gone from 140lbs to 165lbs. Finishing my senior year of high school football at 170lbs and winning my teams MVP defensive back award as well as my league’s All-star defensive back award and settling multiple records, including most interceptions in a single game & season."

Collin's Passion & Vision : I aim to make the world a healthier one. My mission is to inspire the world, empower its people, and achieve this on an international level. Join my growing online community to become part of this great movement.​ I have always been passionate about helping others achieve their goals. Being a true leader is one of the greatest things a personal trainer & coach can be, in order to be a successful trainer you must be a great leader. 

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